In the 2 channel mode the throttle signal will passed direct to the servo (start, idle, spoolup, stop) until there is not a valid RPM preset given and the headspeed is below 600 1/min.
Set the flight condition "normal" with a linear throttle curve in transmitter. Also don't forget a throttle cut switch or a possibility to turn off the motor with the trims. This is our flight condition to turn on the motor, spool up manually and turn off after a flight. We will always switch to a governed (Idle 1-3) headspeed from this condition. Before switching it is needed to spool up the system manually to a headspeed roughly close by the governed headspeed.
As next we have to program the "real" flight conditions (Idle 1-3) with their V-shaped throttle curves in TX as usual. We have to add a RPM preset channel of course now. Most transmitters have a menue for a governor value depending on a switch or flight condition that we may use of course. 100% RPM preset input will be translated always as the given max. headspeed in gov 2 tab. Less % will be less RPM preset.
As last we enable the autorotation bailout. Therefore we have in some transmitters a special throttle setting for increased idle. Set this to a value above -90 % (VBar throttle channel). The higher you set this value, the less delay will be there for the spoolup when you want to abort an autorotation about to go wrong. We recommend a value around -70 % to start with. Enabling the autorotation bailout option will give you a 10 times faster spoolup to abort autos (or just play with it ...). If you do an auto down to the ground, don't forget to switch back to normal condition once, to spool up manually again.
If you are still in an idle up-flight condition, you will else experience a hot start on the ground.