
Flight Parameters

Collective Add will add an amount of throttle together with collective inputs, to compensate for the increase in torque. This unloads the governor considerably and helps holding rpm and torque up. Too high a value will cause overspeeding, too low a value will cause a slight drop in rpm. Change by 5 at a time (banked).

Cyclic Add will add an amount of throttle gogehter with cyclic inputs, to compensate for the increase in torque. This unloads the governor considerably and helps holding rpm and torque up. Too high a value will cause overspeeding, too low a value will cause a slight drop in rpm. Chage by 10 at at time (banked).

Collective Dynamic adds throttle on fast collective inputs. Values up to 40 are normal, the maximum should not exceed 80 (banked).

Basic Throttle defines the overall vertical position of the internal throttle curve.

P lim – sets the maximum effect of the P gain with regard to minimum throttle, based on the internal throttle curve and the current I values.

Integral Helps the governor to adjust for different RPM settings and to compensate for the voltage drop while the battery discharges.

P lim + sets the maximum effect of the P gain with regard to full throttle, based on the internal throttle curve and the current I values.

Setup Parameters

Governor Mode

Allows to set the governor mode independently from the setup wizard. 'External Governor' means, the ESC will do rpm control by it's own. 'VStabi e-Governor' means, VBar Control and VBar will govern rpm. If you have the Nitro Governor App installed, you can also select 'VStabi n-Governor' from this menu. Setup will be done in the Nitro Governor App.

If you have set up a Mikado Heli, you can choose a suitable main gear and the number of teeth of the pinion. The gear ration will be calculated automatically. You can also set the pole count of the motor, and change the Runup Limit. Lower values mean a slower runup, higher values a faster runup. Default is 3. Min trottle sets the low threshold which the governor will never exceed.

If you have set up a non-Mikado Heli, you can enter the calculated gear ratio here. The remaining parameters are the same as above.

ESC Endpoints helps with setting the throws for throttle using the collectiv pitch stick. Make sure the heli can not spool up accidentally. Move the motor/pinion away from the main gear, or remove the main rotor and tail rotor blades. Mind rotating parts! This is to avoid physical damage or injury.

Move the collective stick to minimum and set the value so the motor will shut off. As a safety measure, decrease by 5 below the value you get here. Move the collective stick to maximum and set the value so the ESC opens throttly by 100 % (see manual of the ESC for information).

RPM Expert (VBar Governor) and ESC out Expert (external Governor) allow the adjustment of all rpm/throttle values on a single panel. Autorotation sets the throttle value for the idle position of the motor switch, to the speed the motor shall turn in autorotation training.


Warning Always pay attention to the Device- and Setup-Manuals provided with VBar Control, and the safety related topics therein.


Note This App needs only to be installed during setup. It is not necessary for the operation of the model.