General Settings

VBar Control is doing some things differently from classic radios. To get a good starting point, this page describes some classic terms and how they are used with VBasic. If you already own VBar, VPlane oder VCopter you will find lots of similarities.

Channel Mapping

The Mapping is dependant on the used preset from the Wizzard. During the setup Process a panel is shown where the Servos shall be connected.

You can remap the channels just by changing the mixing amounts of the respective servo output. The following Table shows an example how channels are assigned. Each cross member can have a value of +-100%, so the inputs may have a reversed input (Servo reverse). Since more than one Value can be set in each column, the inputs are added together with the given percentage and then output to the Servos.

Flaps (from Macrocell)000000

Here an example of the Ch1 Colum as marked in gray above:  Model Setup -> Output Channels -> Output Ch1

Servo Throw

The throw of the servo is dependant on the agility setting of the driving Flight control input, and the mixing amount of the servo output. If you want to adjust a single servo like i.e. on a setup with two ailerons, use the mixing amount to adjust the throw to be even if needed.

If the overall agility of the model has to be changed, use the flight control setting. The main difference is, that the flight control setting is banked, so each bank can have a different agility set.

Servo Reverse

The mixing amounts as shown in the above table as "100" can be set negative as well, which is a reverse of the mixed input. So throw and direction are set with this value.


Expo can be set in the flight control. So you find the menu item at the top level with the respective function Since the flight control Parameters are banked, each flight phase = bank can have a different expo setting. Dont forget to set the value in all banks if you use the bankswitch.

We use higer positive values for more expo, that means high values flattens the curve around the center and make it steeper at the edges. Expo 0 is linear.

Dual Rate

We implement a Agility setting for each bank, which results in having up to three different rates depending on the used bank. If you are setting up a Model mechanically, ensure to have 100% for the Agility, so the servo does not bind in this situation.


There are 3 possible methods to trim a model.

1) Use the field in the trim panel and change the value with the EDS Value

2) Activate the field, and then turn one of the knobs to takeover the trim to the pot (one Flight only)

3) Use the Trim switch to go to trim mode. Use small inputs on the Sticks to trim the model

If in Trim Mode, a small panel is shown which shows the actual trim values. Additinally a singal sounds as long as the NEO is in trim mode.

Note that if you fly a Plane with VBar Control we recommend using the VPlane Software which has the autotrim feature which makes trimming much simpler.

Throttle and Idle Setting of Engine

We have several possibilities to set the idle of the Engine. You can put it on a pot, in this case the complete Throttle throw is distributed between the stick and the pot. The takeover point can be set for each bank. So the pot can be used to start the motor, open the throttle a bit and adjust the idle during flight.

The Motor Switch switches off the Motor completely, disabling the idle pot.

Please get familiar with the fact that we always have a motor switch, even if only a simple throttle servo is used. This is a security feature to avoid unwanted motor starts i.e. on electrics.


The analog Resciver defines a failsafe position of all funktions in "hold" and the throttle closed. If you need different failsafe positions, maybe for some special channels, use macrocells. The macrocell type "Channel" allows to define a individual failsafe position. for each channel.


VBar Control requires minimum 3 Switches to be defined at the transmitter side. We call them "mandatory". They shall have a physical switch on every VBar Control. These are:

Motor (off, idle, on), Bank (1,2,3), Buddy (Master, Buddy)

Additionally the Optional switches may be defined called Option 1..3 (Pos A, Center, Pos B).

All Switches can be placed at any position at the Radio, its possible to use a switch for more than one functions, but thats not recommended, since it gets dificult to understand lateron.

Switches can be used as Inputs for Mmacrocells, so you can do almost anything with them, starting from simply outputting fixed positions to a servo up to i.e. starting a Sequencer.

Note that the Switch location is a thing that is defined in your radio, not the NEO. So you always have your personal switch setting, even if you fly i.e. your buddys model, again a safety function, since you will find your switches on your personal radio much quicker and safer than a possible different assignment from your buddy.