The flight settings for all 3 axis can be changed for each bank seperately. Therefore we can use the dial and as well the 2 potis on the VBar Control. To assign a poti for one flight just open the regarding panel and turn on the knob. Keep in mind that the values then are relative to the poti throw in a pre-defined range.
The basic adjustments are always designed to have no stabilization in Bank1, a soft stabilization in Bank2, and a enhanced stabilization in Bank3. It is highly recommended to have a Bank with no stabilization always in the background, especially when testing out parameter changes.
This is the classic method of making small inputs even smaller, but maintaining the same full deflection on big inputs. Planes in general can take some expo without feeling ugly.
This Parameter influences all quick gains that are intended to fight unwanted external movements from wind or other influences. The Gain has no permanent impact, so it does not contribute much to the feel of the plane. It can be tuned up until the plane starts quick wagging on the used axis.
The Agility is responsible for the absolute maximum deflections. Adjust this until the plane has the requested agility at the axis. The maximum throw of the surfaces is limited by the values found at initial setup of the plane. If the agility is not high enough, it may already reach the limits.

The Algorithm has a small range, where is tries to lock the requested heading. To limit the range, this parameter has to be lowered. If set to 0, the locking part of the Algorithm is disabled completely. Locking range is responsible for equalizing differences of the trim, or the CG. It can compensate for momentums from the lading flaps or other changes in the aerodynamics, if chosen big enough. Too high settings make the feel on the axis less natural, and give a “sticky” feel.
On tiny inputs, the plane can have a slight bouncing back behavior that can be adjusted by increasing this parameter. It’s most obvious on stops from small inputs. If set too low, it can change into a “keep turning” behavior, so it does not stop immediately, but turn a bit further. Note that this only is visible on small quick inputs. Bigger inputs will always be precise as good as the plane can.
This is the heading gain in the axis. Usually this needs no adjustment; it can be increased, to get really strong stabilization i.e. for automatic hovering. Too high settings cause a slow big wag on the axis. Additionally higher settings tend to make the control feel more disconnected.

The Gain of the filght controll can be rduced during high throttle phases. The propeller is blowing air over the surfaces, so they are much more effective than without power. To avoid starting oszillations in this situation, the gains can be reduced and a higher overall gain can be maintained.
The Torque compensation usually is not needed, since the control loop takes care of it. If flown with very low gains or even without stabilization, this can help flying straight with different motor power.

VPlane has a very unique autotrim feature, that allows to automatically trimming the plane. This Feature is available always, even if no stabilization is chosen. It´s not required to trim the plane, especially if flown with some locking range, a trim is optional.
To trim the plane, activate the autotrim by flipping the chosen switch for auto trim in the initial setup and fly the plane straight and level. The setting will be stored immediately. Trimming takes about 1-2 seconds and you can influence the result by slightly adding some inputs during autotrim. So if you like the plane trimmed up a tiny bit, very slightly pull a bit elevator during autotrim. Take care not to activate autotrim on ground (double beeps during activated). If the plane cannot move, the results will be very wrong after some seconds!
If you make your maiden flight in bank2, the plane will fly nice from the start, and autotrim phase can be done by a medium speed high pass, then everything is set up correct. Even when flown without stabilization, after this there will be no surprises. It makes sense to deactivate the autotrim switch, once the trim is ok.

How to Setup
During the Setup, the limits of all surfaces have to be set to the right limits. Note that it does not have to do anything with the recommended Limits from the planes manual, since the Control loop is responsible for giving the correct deflections. The Limits are needed to give mechanical and electrical limits, so the servos run smooth, and there are no blocks in the throw. Check both ends for servos getting limp. If so, reduce the limits until the servos safely work through the whole throw.
Note that the Throw during setup is boosted artificially to always hit the limits. It’s not what is used in flight, but enables you to see where the limits are.
For the Setup, disconnect the motor or unmount the prop to avoid any damage or hazard during setup process. If possible, use a standard receiver pack for this task.