You can use the GPS Sensor e.g. to practice speed flying, or simply to see how fast your heli is actually flying. The GPS coordinates can be saved as a track, which you can display directly in Google Earth on your PC or Mac computer. Using this feature can also help finding a model that went astray.
Mount the GPS Sensor in a way that the surface points skyward in normal flight conditions. Do not obstruct the surface by chassis, canopy or fuselage elements. As with any antenna, make sure you mount the GPS Sensor as far away from high current cables and strong magnetic fields.
The GPS Sensor has two connectors. The left one connects to the VBar, RX 1 or RX 2. The right connector can be used to daisy chain an other VBar Control sensor, which gives additional connecting points if more thant two sensors are to be connected. The right connector can be left free if it is not needed.
[ Anschlussplan ]
Once a GPS Sensor is detected by VBar Control, and the corresponding App is loaded and activated, there will be a new menu item below 'Application Setup' which is named 'GPS Sensor'.
On the main screen of VBar Control, a cross-hair icon will appear.
The cross-hair will be displayed without a dot at the center until the GPS Sensor can determine a valid position.
'GPS Status' displays an overview of all relevant information from the GPS Sensor:
As soon as there are sufficient satellites in view and the GPS Sensor is able to determine a valid position, you will see readings for speed, altitude and position. You can also see how many satellites are currently monitored for the calculation. Usually you can see more satellites, but not all of them are in a good position for calculating a position, e.g. if they are low on the horizon. The Magnetometer display (3D Compass) has no relevance as of now.
On this screen you see the same display after the position could be determined. The bar shows the overall quality of reception, in this screen it is still rather low.
'GPS Settings' allows for the configuration of the options of the GPS Sensor App:
Parameter | Options | Description |
Display on Screen | None Replace Timer Replace Governor | This parameter determins if current speed and maximum speed will be displayed on the main screen of VBar Control. The display can either replace the timer and clock display, or it can replace the head speed and throttle display. |
Speak Vmax | Inactive Active | Activate if you want to have Vmax announced each time you exceed the previously announced and saved Vmax. |
Reset Vmax | Motor Bank Buddy Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 | Select a switch to reset the previously reached Vmax. This can be useful if you want to do several speed runs and have the result announced and on display each time, not only if you exceed the previously reached Vmax. |
Recording | Google Earth (kml) Excel (csv) Active | Activate to have VBar Control write a '.kml' or a '.csv'-file with positions of the GPS Sensor during a flight. The file will be stored in the 'gps' folder on your VBar Control. You can directly open '.kml' on a PC or Mac computer with Google Earth installed, to show the flight path in 3D. A '.csv' file contains more data and can be processed and viewed with other programs. VBar Control keeps 20 files, the newest always replaces the oldest. This setting activates only after power cycling your model. |
Units | km/h -m mph -ft | Select if you want metric or imperial units on display and for announcements. |
For a quick glance on the display during flight, there is a sceen with big typo available, showing the current speed and the maximum speed until now. This display may remain active during flight.
Location as QR displays the last recorded GPS position as a QR code, which you can scan e.g. with a Smartphone to display the position in it's map App and even get directions how to get there.
In the new main menu entry 'Archive' you also find the last recorded GPS position, even if the model has lost rc power supply by now, or is out of range.
Hints for using a GPS Sensor:
To get a proper reading of the maximum speed on a model, you should maintain the maximum speed over at least 4 seconds. Only then the calculation is sufficiently accurate when using GPS. Avoid 3D flying during speed runs, or reset the stored maximum values prior to starting speed runs.
When flying 3D, the antenna will be obstructed regularly, which means the quality of reception varies strongly. This leads to false readings, which is inevitable with GPS. To get a feeling for the results, repeat speed runs a few times. This way you will see if the results are plausible.
Results will intentionally be announced with a slight delay. This way, it will not interrupt you when you concentrate on a fly-by. The announcement will take place when the model is already slowing down again.
Depending on the environmental conditions and the general quality of reception in a particular location, it can take a few moments for the GPS Sensor to get sufficiently good reception from enough satellites for a GPS fix. Shutting down the heli after a few minutes and powering it up again may help, to reset the GPS Sensor. Once a proper reception is possible, VBar Control will confirm with a beep.