Now it is over - this was IRCHA 2015. We have finally added some more photos to the albums - so if you are curious - just click here or on the image left to view the whole album.
Thanks for following here - see you next year in Muncin,IN ;-)
Contratulation to Kyle Stacy for winning the 3D Cup Umlimited Class in France! Spectacular flights, awesome pilot, great show, and a reliable Vbar Control radio system in combination with the worlds best flybarless system VBar NEO made it possible.
I am very happy, that Kyle trusted our equipment, and it lives up to its promise. Even lots of other unlimited pilots trusted in VBar Control. It was the most used radio brand of all unlimited pilots!
I would like to invite you to this year's VBar and VBar Control event at MBC Hanau, on the 20th and 21st of June 2015.
We want to put on an event again since, until then, there will be very many novelties from Mikado. To see them in the air, to touch them, to discuss them with us shall be the main purpose of the event, apart from flying your own models and watching exciting demos from our team pilots. Read more »
Some issues have been collected since the last Update, so we now have a maintenance update for VBar NEO and VBar Control.
The Update adds the possibility to set a collective value for each bank for the rescue function. So please verify these settings if they are set correctly. The settings have to be set proplerly in all banks.
Its now possible to use a negative collective value for the autorotation bank, enabling the use of rescue during the autorotation! The system will try and maintain head speed as good as possible during rescue. Read more »
We are proud to welcome Kyle Stacy onboard of Mikado V-Team. In the past Kyle already was using VBars in his Goblins. Now he replaced his Radio with VBar Control to get the maximum out of his helis.
His decision was done because of the performance and the functionality of VBar Control that convinced him. Only the best Equipment can serve the needs of this top pro pilot.
We are looking forward to a successful cooperation, and having fun with our friends. Welcome Kyle!