The tail settings are actually self-explanatory. First you select the appropriate servo and then set the direction and throws.
Please pay attention to the pulse length of the servos. It is best to start with a frequency that the servo manufacturer has approved. Most servos can also handle 1-2 levels faster, which definitely benefits the tail performance, but this is always your own responsibility. If in doubt, simply observe the servo temperature on the workbench when testing.
After selecting the frequency, the servo horn is mounted at the best possible right angle. This is usually not 100% successful due to the gearing - but that's not a problem, integral and trim flight take care of this. There is practically never a "center" in flight anyway. Of course, the blades should always be slightly set against the moment in order to achieve the best possible throw symmetry.
If you want to perfect this, you can turn the model off after mounting the servo horn, align the horn manually and adjust the length of the rods to the tail rotor. This means that AFTER the autotrim we have the "center" roughly where we think it is now.
The throw setting is then activated by operating the stick. Please set aerodynamically useful throws, you don't need so much with the moment, you could possibly balance it out a bit if it gets tight against the moment.