Not only the Mikado team pilots, but lots other participants of the Helimasters where successful with VBar and VBar Control. Id like to send my congratulations to the first three Pilots of the competition. Marius Müller won the title, which he really deserved. He worked very hard and made big progress in his flight routine. All this now has payed off, well done Marius!
Second with only a very small differenc is Mirco Cesena, our spirited young italian pilot. Top performance Mirco! His flights, specially these to music are really entertaining, inspiring and spectacular.
Tim Kostorz got third with a very good performance. He is the newcomer for this round of Helimasters, and he uses the New Logo 690SX.
All three use VBar V6 and VBar Control. This combination finally give them the benefit and reliability which is the foundation for the shown performance. Not only in competition, but thousends of trainig flights the equipment shows its superior reliability and functionality
Marius used the capacity telementry for adjusting his flight routine to optimal use the battery without the risk to overdischarge it. The possibility to immediately access the flightparameters give him the chance to faster reach his personal setup, gaining time and effort that can be put in the flying. The amazing direct reaction of the whole System of VBar and VBar Control gives him a control over his model, that was not known before, enabling more precise low level flying.
The Pilot is the one that makes the show, but his material has to deliver what he is demanding. This is valid for the Logo 700XXtreme resp. Logo 690SX as well als for the powertrain, radio and the VBar.
The Helimasters was a very nice event. I like the relaxed atmosphere and the possibility to go flying on one of the the fun fly spots. The Flying style shown on the competition was much nicer and smoother as in Venlo, so it was more fun to watch. Many thanks to the organizers and all helping hands during the weekend.
Here is a statistic evaluation of the used flbarless Systemes.