The bankswitch expert mode allows - even with a standard hookup at a fullsize Vbar - 3 fixed headspeeds, motor off and bailout. It is highly recommended as a workaround for JR DMSS users to avoid some known issues.
Please unplug the motor and unmount the blades during the following procedure!
- copy the current bank with your electric governor setup (almost bank0) to all banks at the flight bank expert panel.
- activate bankswitch in flight bank (set Bank0/1/2/3)
- set the AUX channel number in RX config tab with the number of the throttle channel (e.g. #3 on Futaba). Using standard reciever connect the throttle channel to AUX at the VBar. No further settings needed. Do a cold restart.
- set the throttle channel (now used for bankswitch only) to get bank0 loaded for motor off with -100% in the VBar (should already be the same as before)
- set 3 flat throttle curves in different height for normal, idle1, idle2 - get access to bank 1 at normal, bank2 at idle1, bank3 at idle2 - this will give you 3 different headspeeds. Check with the small bars in flight bottom left to switch into a bank safely.

- now go into setup, gov1 tab. Select "Banked (Expert) mode without clicking on reset! - Set the banks as follows:
- bank0: Banked(Expert), fixed off, AUX/Throttle channel (for standard RX it is CH5 representing the AUX socket), preset fixed.
- bank1: Banked(Expert), on, fixed headspeed, AUX/Throttle channel (Standard RX CH5)
- bank2: Banked(Expert), on, fixed headspeed, AUX/Throttle channel (Standard RX CH5)
- bank3: Banked(Expert), on, fixed headspeed, AUX/Throttle channel (Standard RX CH5)
- the specific RPM values for bank1-3 must be set in gov 2 tab (max RPM).
- do a failsafe check! - the motor must turn off (see at the throttle output bar near the status led's) when either the TX is turned off or the AUX channel cable is pulled out of the reciever. If it won't work check failsafe settings in transmitter.
- using Bailout option – activate in Gov2 and set a switch in TX which gives you bank0 at a ingoing value between -90 and -50% (bank0 loaded with bailout condition)
- connect the motor and do a test run w/o blades on the bench, check both failsafe cases again.