Christmas Update for VBar Control touch and Cloud

In our Christmas update we have released a few thing which increase the update performance as well as give you more possibilities for customized screens.

Having a look at the cloud you will find some preconfigured images at each radio and each model. We have also added all imageds uploaded by the particular pilot for a radio and model indo a privat section of this gallery. You can also add more images of course.

From this point on you can transfer up to 2 (for all models) user defined images as well as up to 4 (each model) model based images to the Vbar Control touch. They can be displayed as usual in a customized screen.

The image apps with Goblins and Henseleit have been disabled as they were not longer required.

All the images in the complete system have been encoded with a new codec which reduces the filesizes (important for updates) drastically and speeds up the loadtime for dislay view.

All ever used user- or modelimages have been converted automatically. After this the VBar Control touch won't display the old images. In this case please insert the image new on the touch screen (long click), it is still there, always the first image either in System or VBar Section.

For this reason the update contains the system firmware as well as all-ever-made-apps. Upcoming updates will be way smaller and faster after this changes.

More predfined images in the cloud: If images are missing - please talk to your helicopter manufacturers. As soon as they send us some we can add them very easy within hors now to the cloud gallery. We need the images as: BMP 16 Bit no Alpha, Coding RGB 5-6-5, 280x160px, background white (full white is shown as transparency) and background full black (transparency on black theme). But really re-worked and not only re-sized as the border pixels should look nicely. 

Important: Please check wifi for good connection before starting the update process. This avoids unnecessary aborted updates. During the update the VBar Control touch will reboot once, it should show Version 1.1.407 afterwards. It could be possible that the Pro App screen (2 QR Codes) comes up for a brief moment during the update.
























If the logs won't appear as texts (numbers partially or only) at new flights there was a issue while updating the ressource files (this are the large files which were sized down) mainly based on too long timeouts during data transmission. In this case we have 2 options to reload all:

As best please redo a online update only - we now provide (03.01.2022) a update for the regarding apps only!

The next option is to toggle to the "other" language, await all updates, check there by connecting a model and check the log, and then toggle the language back, wait for all updates, re-check.

The last one is to use USB (enable in VBCt) and delete the old regarding files. Therefore use the file explorer, open the VBar Control touch drive, type in "sys" at the command line on top (shows the hidden folder now), mark and delete all folders with the ending "_de" or "_en" - depending on your language. Disconnect USB and re-run a online Update.

Ensure a strong WiFi and internet connection during the online update!